Garesko alkatea naizen aldetik, ongi etorri gure webgunera.
Web honen helburua baliabide bat izatea da, Garesko herriari zerbitzu hobea emateko, hain zuzen ere, herritarren eta Udalaren arteko harremanak eta informazioa eraginkorra izateko. Kanal arina, irisgarria eta egunero-egunero gure udalerria osatzen duten pertsona guztientzat egokitua, gero eta askotarikoagoa eta anitzagoa.
Horretarako, funtsezkoa da bi norabidetako bidea izatea, eta hura erabiltzen duten pertsonek, informazioa eta zerbitzuak jasotzeaz gain, beren iritzien eta ekarpenen bidez parte hartzea. Hortaz, herritarren parte-hartzea izango da webgunearen arrakastaren gakoa.
Informazio atari honetan erakusten ditugu gure zerbitzu guztiak, gure proiektuak, gure jendearen ohiturak eta tradizioak, gure gastronomia, gure herriaren egitura eta administrazioaren antolaketa. Horrez gain, udal izapideak azkar eta eraginkortasunez egin daitezke gure web orriaren bidez.
Litekeena da Gares herrixkan sortzea gure historia. 1122an hiribildu maila erdietsi zuen herriak, Alfontso I.a “Borrokalariaren” ekimenez, eta Lizarrako foruaren bidez garatu zen.
Sorreratik gaur egun arte, historiaz beteriko herria da Gares. Gaur 2800 biztanletik gorako udalerria da.
Nafarroako erdialdean kokaturik dago, Erreniegako mendilerroaren hegoaldean, Izarbeibarren. Arga ibaiak, Robo ibaiak eta Gomazin errekak Garesko lurrak ureztatzen dituzte eta haiei guztiei esker, lehorreko nahiz ureztatutako soro zabalak hazten dira inguruetan. Herria ezagutzeko, herriko kaleetan, belenetan eta plazetan barren oinez ibili behar da. Gurutzefika kaletik aurrera eginez, hiribildua babesten zuen harresi aztarnekin topatzen gara. Gurutzefika auzoan Karlistaldien orbainak atzeman daitezke, eta kale Nagusian Erdi Aroko dorreak eta portalea igarotzen dituzu Arga ibaira heldu arte.
Tokiko gastronomiaren produktuez gozatzeko aukera izanen duzu, besteak beste, babarrunak, piperrak eta inguruko kooperatiba eta upeltegietan merkaturaturiko ardoa. Jatetxeak eta tabernak ditugu produktu hauekin osaturiko gure plater tipikoez gozatzeko. Horrez gain, hotelak, ostatuak eta aterpetxeak ditugu gaua igarotzeko.
Gure tradizioei dagokienez, uztailaren 24tik 29ra bitartean herriko jaiak ospatzen ditugu eta Soterraña egunean eta Santiago egunean banderen ohiko agurra egiten dugu. Gainera, udaletxe aurrean elkartzen gara jaietan bigantxak eskatzeko, eta iraileko azken asteburuan feria tradizionala, fritadak eta Nazioarteko Laia Lasterketa egiten dugu.
Kultura arloa bizi bizia da eta hainbat dira aktibo dauden elkarteak: musika banda, gaiteroak, txistulariak, merkatarien elkartea, erraldoien konpartsa, batzar feminista, antzerki taldea, abesbatza, dantzariak, Done Jakue bideko lagunen elkartea, laiariak, APYMA eta abar.
Ezin dut aipatu gabe utzi, harrotasun handiz, Gares Bide, gure energia-komunitatea, autokontsumoan aitzindaria eta eredu energetiko berri baterako erreferentea. Garesen trantsizio energetikoa erdiesteko erronkak onura sozialak, ingurumenekoak eta ekonomikoak lotzen ditu Gares Bidek.
Azkenik, azpimarratu nahi dut herrian dugun kirol eskaintza zabala: futbol taldea (C.D. Gares), saskibaloia (CDB Gares), piraguismoa, txirrindularitza, esku pilota, taekwondoa edo patinajea, besteak beste. Klub hauek udal kirol-instalazioetan (igerilekuak, futbol-zelaiak, kiroldegia eta frontoia) jarduten dute, eta urtero antolatzen dira kirol-ekitaldiak, hala nola Errege-krosa, Soterrañako txirrindularitza-lasterketa, piraguismo-sariketa edo Iruñea eta Gares arteko abiadura-patinajeko Nazioarteko lehiaketa.
Gure herriaren ezaugarri nagusien gaineko errepasoa egin ondoren eta webgunea bisitarientzat eta bizilagunentzat erabilgarria izateko esperantzan, begirunez agurtzen zaitut.
Itziar Imaz Artazcoz
Garesko Alkatea
Alcaldesa de Puente la Reina/Garesko Alkatea.
As the Mayoress of Puente la Reina/Gares, I welcome you to our townhall website.
The main objective for this website is to provide an excellent service to the town of Puente la Reina/Gares, to be a great source focused on improving the information and relationship between the community and the town hall. An agile, accessible and adapted channel for all the inhabitants of the village, increasingly plural and diverse.
In order to achieve that, it is imperative that this becomes a two way system, and that those who use this website do not only receive a service and information, but also participate in sharing their opinion and contributions.
In this information portal we share all of our services, our projects, our traditions and gastronomy, as well as the structure and organisation of our town. Nowadays, municipal procedures can be performed in a quick and efficient manner through this website.
The history of our village originates from the basque village of ‘Gares’ and it was in 1122 when, after an initiative by ‘Alfonso el Batallador or The Battler’, the town was given the ‘Carta Puebla or Town Charter’ obtaining the jurisdiction or ‘forum’ of Estella.
Puente la Reina/Gares is a village full of history, from its foundation as a village all the way to current times we have become a municipality of 2980 inhabitants.
Situated in the Midlands of Navarre, it is located south to the mountain range of the ‘Perdon’ in the Valley of Valdizarbe and it is traversed by the Arga river, and the Robo river. A beautiful landscape provided by the river bed, which nourishes the several fields that surround the town. When arriving into town you can get lost in the many streets, alleyways also known as ‘Belenas’ and plazas. Arriving from the Crucifijo Street, where the original protective walls were located, we can observe the remains from the Carlist Wars. Walking through what were the village entrance towers and gateway we arrive at the Main Street or Calle Mayor. A street that leads us all the way to the Arga River.
Find out about our marvellous gastronomy, as you will be able to enjoy our local produce amongst which we can find beans, peppers, as well as wine produced in the various wineries around the town. In order to enjoy all of our typical dishes you will find several bars and restaurants to satisfy all your needs. As well as several Hostels, Hotels and Lodging houses to rest.
Explore our traditions with the celebration of the festivities from the 24th to the 29th of July, in honour of Saint James which is celebrated with a traditional ‘Flag Greeting or Saludo de Banderas’ activity. We celebrate the day of the ‘Virgin of the Soterraña’, where everyone congregates in the Main Plaza and asks for ‘vacas bravas (steers)’ for our festivities. The last weekend in September we celebrate our traditional fair, where we enjoy a traditional dish called ‘fritada’ and the International ‘Laya(traditional spades)’ race.
Discover our culture, musical band, traditional instruments such as ‘gaitas’ and ‘txistus’, our traders’ association, our Group of Giants and Big-heads, our feminist group, theatre group, choir, traditional dance group, the ‘Friends of the Camino’ association, the ‘Laiaris’ or Laya runners, APYMA (Parental Association), etc. Association and groups that offer a variety of activities throughout the year for locals and visitors alike.
I cannot fail to mention with great pride our energy community, ‘Gares Bide’, as it is pioneering in self consumption and a point of reference for an energy model. A model that provides social, environmental and economic benefits with the objective of achieving an energy transformation.
Lastly, I would like to highlight the wide variety of sports available in our town. This is composed by a football team (C.D. Gares), a basket team (CDB Gares), Kayaking club, cycling club, traditional sports such as Esku Pilota and rollerblading teams amongst others. Clubs that conduct their various activities in a range of municipal facilities (open swimming pool, football pitches, sports centres and a ‘fronton’.) Facilities in which several sport competitions are held, such as the ‘Kings’ Cross’ race, the cyclist race of the ‘Soterraña’, the Kayaking Trophy Race or the International rollerblading race between Pamplona and Puente la Reina.
After this brief summary of our village, I say farewell hoping that this website is useful to both locals and visitors alike. Always at your disposal, kind regards.
Itziar Imaz Artazcoz
Mayoress of Puente la Reina/Gares.